Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mysteries of the Universe Pt.1

Interesting to note the dates that Mysteries of the Universe will be released:

Episode 1: July 23rd, 2009
Episode 2: August 4th, 2009
Episode 3: September 8th, 2009
Episode 4: October 15th, 2009
Episode 5: November 16th, 2009

Hey numbers, long time no see!

Anyways, here's my take on Part One:

Creepy music, creepier voice.
I don't buy it for a second.

In this video, TPTB have taken all of the identifiers of The Others and pinned them on Dharma.

'they walk among us, but are not one of us'. Jack's tattoo. A trickster, imitator, in our midsts.
There is a 20 second shot of a palm tree. It looks exactly like the cover for the album 'Hotel California' by The Eagles, an album cover that somewhat famously has the face of a devil 'upside down' in the palm trees. Seems like everything is being turned upside down.

Since when does Dharma infiltrate? Name the Dharma mole on 815. Has Dharma ever infiltrated the Losties? I don't see how this video is doing anything but putting The Others' skin onto Dharma's body....hmm, I wonder what they're preparing us for?

More to come on this subject.

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