Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Do The Others Take Children?(And Cindy)

The Others are a group in quite a bind.

For starters, they can't reproduce, but they also don't want people coming to the Island...so who will carry the torch?

This is one of the reasons they steal children...they need to continue to populate their ranks.

But that's not the only reason.

The Others also need weak, impressionable candidates. That is the standard for joining them. If you prove that you can't be pressured and manipulated into following orders, you are not for them. If you are capable of change, you are not for them. Goodwin was going to recommend that Ana Lucia get a membership card. Of course, many of The Others are unaware that their code produces such candidates, preferring to view their weak colleagues as loyal, disciplined, and dedicated.

So why Cindy?

Cindy was taking care of the Tailie kids, who were kidnapped by The Others, and their names were on The Others' list. Why wasn't Cindy taken the same time? Why is it she later disappeared while crossing the dark territory? Goodwin never got a chance to make a recommendation, so what changed?

Just like Ben's mother, Eko's brother, Amy's husband, Jack/Claire's dad, Juliet's lovers' wife(Harper)....Nemesis uses trusted figures to control your actions.

And who better to shape the minds of the children than Cindy?


Anonymous said...

I love your thinking on the show. This post brings up a topic I've pondered quite a bit.

Is there a member of the main cast that has been working against the losties and free will from the beginning? To use your terms, has Nemesis imitated a body immediately after the plane crash and we've never seen the real character?

In searching through the episodes, I can't see a candidate other than Bernard; and he doesn't make much sense.

Keep up the good work!

risebysin said...

I think the writers left open the possibility for this..they often write trap doors into the plot, just in case they change their minds.

That said, we are way past the point of no return.

I think the only 'imitation' we've seen is Richard Alpert.

Every other character has had too much character growth and personal conflict to have been faking. Jack's beard, Hurley going nuts, etc. They've all had personal hell to go through.

And that's why we haven't seen any personal growth for Alpert.

Anonymous said...

risebysin, I totally agree with your assessment!

I also think in terms of the children, 'the others' wanted to get them away from 'the losties', ASAP because young children are very impressionable. They likely didn't want 'the losties' to make any lasting impressions on them.


Jacob's Pot Guy said...

I always thought that Cindy left rather than was taken. When we see her again, dreamy though she may be, it seems that she is in deep with "The Others." Perhaps she knew what lies in the shadow of the statue? It was used as the impetus for Ana Lucia shooting Shannon, but if they actually took her that would be odd.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that "The Others" on the show were pedofiles.