Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Radzinsky Decoded

Radzsinky, what a prick!

As stated in Lost SOLVED, Dharma represents change. They are the good guys.

So how is someone like Radzinsky in their midsts? Simple: Just because he wears a Dharma uniform, doesn't mean he practices what they preach.

Notice the following:
He is the Dharma member who:
-Radzinsky gives 'orders' and runs a tight ship. Very little room for personal freedom.
-Radzinsky insists on building the Swan station, a station where the button will be pressed again and again and again and again....the loop, the cycle, the repetition that makes Nemesis' spine tingle.
-Radzinsky claims 'I came here to save the world and that's what I'm going to do'. Here we have him aligned with Hawking, the queen of the fatalists, leader of the Others, protocol and loop-protecting extraordinaire.

Radzinsky is clearly aligned with the dark side and embodies their principles.
I really hope they show us how he died in the Swan....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

risebysin, not only do I think you are right about Radzinsky, I suspected from the very beginning that Kelvin Inman, was NOT Dharma. Given that he was recruited after The Gulf War, when apparently Dharma had ceased to exist on 'the island', I think it highly unlikely that he was recruited by them!

Once again, if you look at who stood to gain from the construction of the Swan Station and the Protocol afterwards, it was not Dharma, IMO.
