Monday, August 3, 2009

What's The Deal With All This Egyptian Stuff?

It's not Egyptian culture, it's Island culture.

The culture originated on the Island.
This explains how the Donkey Wheel could already have hieroglyphics written on it before there was ever a way to access it. The exit is in Tunisia, Africa..probably the most accepted answer for 'where did life originate?'.

Considering what I proposed in Lost SOLVED, it makes sense that the Island would be the location for both the birth and death of mankind.

The Island itself represents a loop, the cycle of life, light and dark, life and death.

*this theory is admittedly highly speculative...


Unknown said...

This is some good stuff, rise....since I found your analysis yesterday I've been looking at what has happened...

your theory fits what has gone before...up to a point.

What you have yet to explain is the nuke bomb part of Season 5 finale. The nuke bomb is supposed to either...

do a reset of the lives of the Oceanic time travellers....or kill them dead.

From what I read of your seems to fall on the side of dead. Meaning that they will all be Nemesis if they appear in Season 6.

or do you have another explanation????

risebysin said...

No, I don't think they die, not in the slightest. Sorry if I gave that impression.

There is a multitude of options. We know that the location of the Swan construction was chosen for it's unique electromagnetic properties...this, combined with other information, allows for several explanations.

1) There is a different sort of energy that is exploding that could equal that of the Donkey Wheel, sending our Losties skipping through time.
2) The blast of Jughead is somehow neutralized by the exotic matter, yet there is radioactive leftover that accounts for the fertility issues.
3) What is in Hurley's guitar? ;)
4) The Losties experience the same thing that Desmond did(after all, that was just a result of repeated exposure), flashing back to their old lives temporarily, long enough to realize they aren't missing out and that their Island lives are paramount.
5) This is my least favorite scenario. They did in fact change the past, but somehow they are aware of their Island lives, or they are simply dissatisfied with their new re-written lives, and somehow, someone, facilitates them 'changing it back'. If they can change it once, they can change it twice, right?

That said, many of the Losties will die in Season 6 and be used by Nemesis to test the remaining few.

Jack for certain :)

Unknown said...


One thought I had based on your theory of free will/change vs. taking orders.

Do you view the decision to blow up the nuke as free will? Or was Jack taking orders from Faraday? Being manipulated based on Jack's weakness...?

If it was the you think that the Faraday that came back to the island in the sub was Faraday....or was it Nemesis (in Faraday form)

Faraday disappeared for a long time before he came back. When he came back he was different and started putting all the events in motion that led to the big smash up at the end. Including his death at the hands of his mother, which led to his mother becoming an agent of Nemesis. (Faraday with a gun threatening people??....that always seemed weird to me)

Does this make any sense to you?

risebysin said...

I view the attempt to change the past as the Losties not yet coming to terms with their future, but wanting to undo their pasts.

They have to come to terms with what happened. The goal is not to change what happened, but to accept it and change their behavior for the present.

The Faraday who came back was the real Faraday...he changed his mind about fate and man's capacity to re-write it, thus accepting the possibilities of what, at the time, was his future. Thus, he comes to an end.

It's not surprising to me that Faraday visited Dharma headquarters and came back more open to change. Dharma represents change, and their perspective proved to be contagious.